Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Review on Quick & Clean Oil-Free Blemish Balm From The Face Shop

A few month ago, I told you guys that I was using BB cream from The Face Shop.
And I promise a review on the product.
So, here it is.

I give it a 3 out of 5.
Why? Because this BB cream doesn't come with a UV Protection.
Sadly, you have to buy the UV Protection cream separately. CHOI!
But this BB cream did wonders for me, but I hope they improve it.

XOXO, Syira Zainal

Home, Result and Love

Finally, I'm back in my town. It's been awhile. Can't believe I've finally finish my studies. But now, what to do? Work, of course! Since I got back from Perlis, I haven't stop searching for the right job for me. I want it to be a long term thing but I guess it's not my time yet.

Got my final result a few days ago. I'm thankful but I wish I could do better, you know? Anyway, I dearly miss my friends back in college. We didn't get to spend much time together. I'll cherish you all in my heart. If we have time, I hope we can all meet back before and after graduation. :}

By the end of this year, my dream for next year might not come true. People say it's not my time yet. If only they knew what I'm going through. Life is short and I can't wait that long. I want my dreams to come true before I leave this world, you know? Or at least get to feel the excitement.

Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku,
Yang maha pengasih, lagi maha penyayang. Panjangkanlah umur ku dan bukakanlah pintu hati ku untuk menerima segala ajaran mu. Bantulah hamba mu ini untuk bertaubat kepada mu, Ya Allah. Ampunilah segala dosa-dosa besar dan kecil yang telah hamba mu ini lakukan. Engkau berikanlah pertunjuk kepada ku, Ya Allah. Ampunilah segala dosa ibu bapa ku, adik-beradik ku dan seluruh keluargaku. Rahmatilah kami dengan keampunan mu, Ya Allah.

XOXO, Syira Zainal

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Final Project

If only words could describe how I've been feeling lately. The pressure is really getting the best of me. I'm sorry if I've hurt a few people along the way. I'm just doing what I can to survive. It's getting closer by the second and I think I'm about to loss it. Ya Allah, please give me the strength to be more patient and wiser.

Syira Zainal

Saturday, September 10, 2011

RIP : My Lovely Friend


Nurhasyimah Binti Halim
30/10/1990 - 28/08/2011

Two weeks earlier, I receive a phone call from one of my classmate telling me that my dear friend was involve a terrible accident and passed away. I was totally in shock. I cried the whole day because before she died, I didn't get to talk to her and I didn't get to tell her that I'm sorry. The accident happen two days before Raya. I guess, God loves her more than we do. I really miss her cheerful laughter, jokes and 'usikkan'. She has always been a good friend to me. I wish I was to her. Even though she's gone, I still think she's around us. People keep telling me that I need to accept the fact that she's not coming back. I guess, I just need some time to adjust. She was always there to cheer me up when I'm up sad, listen to my problems and help me with anything she could. Oh Syima, I miss you so much. You left me with all the sweet and sour memories that I will never forget. You're a very good friend. I hope God bless your sweet soul and place you near Allah. I love you, Syima. <3

Syira Zainal

Monday, September 5, 2011

Quick & Clean Oil-Free Blemish Balm From The Face Shop

My new BB Cream from The Face Shop.
Only cost me RM30++ after 30% discount.
It's suitable for people with oily skin and has pimple problem, like me.
I'll review about this product later.
Stay tune.

Syira Zainal

Sunday, August 21, 2011



  • Hanya RM20!! (tidak termasuk bayaran pos)
  • Terdapat pelbagai warna.
  • Selendang ini dijahit sendiri oleh tukang jahit kami.
  • Jenis kain adalah Japanese Satin Shawl.
Syira Zainal

Friday, August 12, 2011

Facial & Health Emergency!

Assalamualaikum & Selamat Sejahtera,

Hari ni sy nak cerita sedikit masalah yg sy sedang hadapi. Semenjak cuti semester lepas, sy menghadapi sedikit masalah dengan muka sy sehinggalah sekarang. Faktor utama dari masalah ni mungkin sebab akibat dari penyakit resdung sy yang semakin berleluasa dan salah pilih pencuci muka. So, muka sy naik banyak sangat jerawat sampai tak tahu nak buat apa dah. Masa masuk semester ni, ramai kawan-kawan yg tegur muka dah tak cantik. Ya Allah! Segannya! So, sy bernekad untuk cari produk-produk kecantikkan yg boleh membanteras masalah sy. Selain tu, cari juga produk untuk mengurangkan masalah resdung dan pengambilan makanan yg berlebihan.

Baru-baru ni sy ada terjumpa satu produk yg dipanggil Catalyst VCO Softgel. VCO tu Virgin Coconut Oil. Produk ni sangat-sangat disyorkan untuk orang yang banyak mengalami masalah kulit berminyak, berjerawat, senggugut yg teruk, parut jerawat, resdung dan banyak lagi. Produk ni juga boleh mengurangkan selera makan bagi yg nak diet. So, memang sangat sesuai dengan masalah yg sy hadapi. Setelah berbincang dengan boyfriend dan ibu kesayangan, sy pun beli produk ni. Harga dia, RM39.90. Bagi sy harga dia agak standard untuk ubat-ubat macam ni. Dulu sy penah makan ubat minyak kelapa dara ni tapi tanpa softgel. So, agak susah untuk sy telan sebab rasa dia tak sedap dan sedikit kelat. Oleh disebabkan produk Catalyst ni ada softgel, sy pun mencuba la. Buat masa sekarang, tiada lagi perubahan yg ketara, maklumlah baru je start makan. Insya'Allah, dalam masa sebulan sy dapat lihat perubahannya, kata penjual tu la. So, we wait and see. Bawah ni sy letakkan gambar produk tersebut dan juga website agen produk untuk anda mendapatkan produk ni.

Okay, tu baru cerita pasal ubat. Sekarang nak cerita pasal pencuci atau produk muka pula. Kalau korang baca post-post yg sebelum ni, korang dapat tau yg sy ni merupakan pengguna produk Garnier yg sangat setia. Dari pencuci muka, scrub hinggalah ke krim pencerah, semuanya produk Garnier. Tapi semenjak cuti semester lepas, produk Garnier ni macam tak berkesan. Masalah kulit muka bukan main lagi bertambah sampai sy rasa sangat stress dan sedih. Lepas tu, ibu sy start tegur pasal muka sy. Sy memang tak tau nak cakap macam mana la kan? Disebabkan degil, sy biarkan masalah kulit muka sy ni sampailah ibu sy menegur buat kali ke-2. Lepas tu, dia terus memperkenalkan produk Clay Facial Soap HPA pd sy. Dalam masa seminggu pakai sabun ni, sy dapat rasakan perbezaan dia. Harga dia murah tapi sy tak tahu berapa RM. Maklumlah, ibu belikan. Tapi yg sedihnya dekat Perlis, produk ni dah lama tak dikeluarkan. Susah gila nak cari. Oleh sebab itu, sy terpaksa cari jalan lain.

Tadi sy dan rakan serumah pergi berbuka puasa diluar. Dah alang-alang kat luar dan ada sedikit duit, sy pun 'decide' untuk cari pencuci muka dan toner kat Watson (Pembeli Setia). Agak sejam jugalah sy dan rakan serumah pusing dalam Watson tu. Bukan besar mana pun tapi tak jumpa-jumpa produk yg kita berkenan. Mula-mula cadang nak ambil produk Safi tapi rasa macam tak yakin je sebab sebelum ni memang penah pakai Safi tapi dia buat muka sy bertambah minyak. So, sy tak suka sebab muka memang dah berminyak dah pun. Pusing-pusing, ternampak produk NANO white. Sy memamg tak penah guna produk ni tapi atas testimonial rakan serumah, sy jadi ingin mencuba. Lagi-lagi bila nampak perkataan CLAY kat produk tu. Ramai orang kata, clay sangat elok untuk orang yg mengalami masalah kulit berminyak dan berjerawat. Harga produk ni sedikit mahal tapi ada promotion. NANO white clay cleanser + NANO white refining treatment toner = only cost RM15++. Memang terus ambil la kan? Tadi baru saja cuci muka dengan pencuci NANO white dan toner dia sekali. Rasa selepas cuci memang terbaik. Kulit rasa lebih bersih berbanding sebelum ni. Ni gambar produknya.

So, sy sekarang dalam sesi pencubaan. Harap-harap dengan izin-Nya, kulit muka dan masalah resdung sy berkurangan. Insya'Allah. Kalau sy ada masa, sy akan buat 'review' untuk produk-produk ni. Sekian.

Syira Zainal

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Review on Garnier's BB Cream


Like I promise before, I was going to do a review on Garnier's newest product, BB Cream. So, let's start. For me, Garnier's BB Cream is not suitable for me since I have a very oily skin. The 1st time I apply it, I like how it feels on my face but after a long time wearing it, my face feels like it's inching and my make-up was melting. Plus, my face starts having a lot of acne. So, Garnier's BB Cream is a BIG NO for me.

Syira Zainal

Long time no see

It's been awhile since I wrote anything in here. Been pretty busy with assignments and final project. A bit stress but what the hack? Just Go with the flow. This semester I'll be doing PSA for my final video media project. The worst part is that we have to make 2 PSA. Everything seem to be double nowadays. With broadcasting project and comic, my brain is about to burst like melting lava! Haiya. And plus there's some problem with my PTPTN money. We haven't receive the money and it's already the 2nd month. Where am I suppose to find money for my projects and assignments? Stress meh!

In all the stress, I'm currently excited about going back home for Raya. Already bought the tickets. Can't wait. But I haven't buy any Baju Raya..WORRIED! And I'm so looking forward to breaking fast with my family and boyfriend. Can't wait. I can't believe it's already 11 days of fasting. Proud. <3

XOXO, Syira Zainal

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Virus, gone gone all memories.


All I can say is that all of my picture and all of my memories has fade away. Sadly.

Syira Zainal

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Garnier New Instant Fairness BB Moisturiser


Today, I went out with my house mate Ain and Puteri. I was actually searching for a refill for my compact powder when I came across Garnier newest product called, Instant Fairness BB Moisturiser. Finally, Garnier made a BB cream/moisturiser. As few of my friends know, I'm a Garnier user. From cleaning foam, scrub, moisturiser to oil control whitening cream, everything is Garnier Product.

The packaging in this picture is a little different for the one I bought but it's the same.

So, when I came across the BB cream, I instantly grab it and read the information at the box. This past few weeks, I have been searching for the right BB cream for me and people say if you don't try, you will never know which is good for you. So, I finally bought it. It only cost RM19.90 at Watson. A little expensive from Maybelline and Silky Girl but I bought it anyway since I'm a Garnier user. I'm going to try this and see how it goes. I'll do a review later on. Until than, Tata~

Syira Zainal

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Semester 6


Sebenarnya dah seminggu sampai kat Perlis tapi terlupa pulak nak berBLOGing. Hehehe. Alhamdulillah rumah yang disewa takde banyak sangat masalah. Kelas pon dah mula dari hari Isnin. On registration day, everything went well and smoothly. Nothing much to talk about. I'm just starting to get busy with assignment and final project. I hope this semester will go on smoothly and I hope I can achieve the 3.5 CGPA or maybe 4 flat? Hehehe. Amin.

I miss my boyfriend, my parents and my home town. There's no place like home. Just a few more month. Until than, it's goodbye for now.

Syira Zainal

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Make-Up Tools


Today I want to talk about make-up tools. I have always wanted a full set of proper make-up tools. But like everybody said, "No money, No talk!". Really frustrated about it. Every time I have some extra money, I tend to forget about buying myself a proper make-up tool. Aya! But this time, if I have some extra money, I will buy you make-up tools!

I'm acting as if I don't have any make-up tools, aren't I? Aya! Syira, be thankful with what you have, please! Sorry sorry. I do have some make-up tools. Such as a few eye shadow, a liquid eyeliner and a dark powder blush from Elianto, a compact powder from Pixie (the best powder ever), a powder blush from Silky Girl and a few brushes. I don't really use foundation cause I haven't found the right one yet for my oily skin and the only brush I use is my powder brush. I think I use it for everything, from applying powder to applying blusher. Other than that, I only use my fingers to apply my eye shadow. I rarely use it anyway.

But the thing I needed the most is a primer. Before applying my make-up, I have always apply some oil-control whitening cream or a moisturizer but it doesn't seem to be enough, you know? It's like my make-up isn't complete and I also need some concealer to cover up my spots. AYA! Problem meh!To tell you the truth, there's a lot more stuff I need for a proper make-up look but like I said before, "NO MONEY, NO TALK!". Most of the make-up tools I wanted, costed like RM100++ each! Who says it's not expensive?? Liars. Hahaha.

It's okay. Maybe someday when I have a lot of money, I'll buy them or maybe I just hire a MUA for myself (keep dreaming, girl!). But until than, this is goodbye for now. Huhuhu. Tata~

XOXO, Syira Zainal

Monday, July 4, 2011

Few more days.


Today saya nak cerita pasal persediaan sebelum balik ke Politeknik Perlis pada 10 Julai ini. Sebenarnya, banyak sangat2 bende yg tak buat lagi. Tapi macam suke je nak balik sem ni. Dah kenapa? Ow..last semester rupenye! Hahaha. Mak tak sabar nak abis nok! (bukan perli). Rase macam dah berkurun belajar kat sane. Orang lain semua macam dah abis. Jeles!

Sambung cite, sem ni agak sedikit berbeza dari sem sebelum ni. Nak tau nape? Sem ni dok luar poli. AKHIRNYA!!! Tapi bile pikir balik rase macam akan banyak pakai duit je. Dengan internet tak de nye. Errrr...stress plak! Relax relax. So, bile sem ni dok luar..mesti la barang pon jadi bertambah an? Macam2 kene bawak la plak..antaranye:-

  1. Pakaian
  2. Barang mandi
  3. Barang make up
  4. Telekung & sejadah
  5. Kasut, selipar & heels
  6. Bantal kepala & bantal peluk
  7. Tilam & selimut
  8. Baldi
  9. Bakul mandi
  10. Iron
  11. Tong sampah
  12. Heater/tarmus
  13. Kain batik
  14. Laptop & external hard disk

Aduhai! Ni belum secare terperinci lagi ni. Pergh! LEBAM! Ni baru barang2 yg kene bawak. Things to do pon banyak..antaranye:-

  1. Bayar yuran poli RM350 (rse cm dh..dh ke abah?)
  2. Kumpul duit deposit sewa rumah (collecting)
  3. Call tok imam! (done)
  4. Buat IC baru (done)
  5. Beli broadband CELCOM (done)
  6. Kemas barang (in progress)
  7. Beli barang
  8. Basuh baju kotor (done)
  9. Basuh kasut (tggu kt poli nnt la..hehe..)

Semua bende tak buat lagi. Syira Syira. Suke sangat buat kerja last minit. Sekarang mengelabah ko! Padan muke. Heeeeee...tulis banyak2 kat sini pon bukannye dapat selesaikan kerja..sebok dok on9! Haish! Hehehe..I guess, that's all for today. TATA~

Syira Zainal

Saturday, July 2, 2011

MTV World Stage

If you read my status on FB, you would know that I've just won myself a pair of tickets to see MTV World Stage! I'm serious! I just did. I feel lucky tonight. <3

Wondering how I got the tickets? It's faith actually. To tell you the truth, I didn't know that MTV World Stage is going to happening on the 24th July until I saw a picture from Eykin (my little sister's friend). She got a pair of tickets as well. I was so curious about it so, I google it. Then, I found the web and I click the web. I browse and I browse and finally, I found a countdown on the bottom of the page saying "WIN PASSES!". I click it. Then, they say wait for the countdown. So, I waited. When the time was up, I click on the boxes that appeared on the screen and a pop up came up. The title was INSTANT WIN. At that moment, I wanted to scream my heart out. I was in shock actually. I really didn't expected to win. Seriously. I'm so lucky at that moment. Who'd knew? I'm happy girl tonight.

I never expected to win. I really didn't! Cause it wasn't just me trying to get the tickets. It was like thousands of people. Might even be millions. So, I'm really thankful. Even if I don't get to go (if i have college work), I'm giving it to my lover boy. It's going to be your birthday present. I hope he likes it. <3 Tata~

Syira Zainal

Friday, July 1, 2011

Love Story

When I say love story, you might think that I'm about to talk about my love life but I'm actually going to talk about the two love movies I've just watch today. Both have different ways of expressing their love but all and all, it's a happy ending for everybody.

Let's start with the first story. I was about a girl who had a huge crush on a boy, which hates her because she was so annoying (in my opinion) at first but then realize that she's worth more than obsessing over him and then, when the girl losses interest in the boy, the boy suddenly realize that he loves her and the story goes on. The movie was called FLIPPED. This story was based on a novel. It's a great puppy love story for me. I love how the director capture the moment of every single detail and how he produce it in the movie. The narrators for both girl and boy was a brilliant idea. Seriously! At first, I didn't understand why the movie was called Flipped but as I watch the movie, I saw the FLIPPED with my own eyes and I get it.

Now, the second movie. It was about a woman who's desperately trying to find the perfect man and the perfect job or may I say dream job and ended up with a totally different man. It's called THE BEAUTY AND THE BRIEFCASE. This story is totally a different story from Flipped. I shows that woman at her age is desperately need some self-worthy camp or something. Come on. Willing to go over board about a guy? Seriously? But then again, love makes people do crazy stuff. So, don't blame her for being cheap.

As a conclusion, both of the story tells you that girls are easily fool by love or to make it sound more nicer, easily fall in love. I'm not saying all girls and woman are like that but most of them are. I, myself am like that. I don't regret it tho. There are ups and downs when it comes to love and with it, comes experience. More experience you have, the wiser you'll get. But girls, please don't repeat the same mistakes. It will haunt you forever. So girls and boys, don't be afraid of falling in love and don't be too picky. Not everything you asked for, you will get okay? Be grateful with what you have and be happy. Until I blog again, tata for now!

Syira Zainal

Thursday, June 30, 2011

10 Favorite Female Singer (2011)

1. Christina Aguilera (Best voice ever)
2. Britney Spears (Pop icon)
3. Hayley William (Mind blowing)
4. Selena Gomez (Very inspiring)
5. Miley Cyrus (Daring)
6. Keri Hilson (Pretty girl rock)
7. Yuna (Proud Malaysian)
8. Dev (Bass down low)
9. Celine Dion (Legend-wait for it..wait for it..--Dary!)
10. Maddi Jane (I can't believe she's that young!)

P.S - I'm not rating them from 1 to 10. I love them equally.

Syira Zainal

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Do The Pretty Girl Rock

Keri Hilson - Pretty Girl Rock

Come on ladies..Sing it with me..

Syira Zainal

Dream Crush

Hello Dream,

You came into my life a very long time ago and now suddenly you're back.
I act as if I don't care but somehow you've made my heart skip a beat.
For awhile, I enjoyed it but let's get back to reality.
You're just a dream.

Syira Zainal

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Welcome To Syira's Town

Glamour x name town tu?? hahaha. Arini Syira nk cite psl game yg Syira dok asyuk main kt facebook tu..namenye CITYVILLE! mesti penah dgr kn? n mesti penah main punye..pada mulenye, Syira x main pon game ni. ade sorang member ni perkenalkan game ni kt Syira. Name die Ali Imran..oops, terpromote ko plak Ali..hahahaa..Ali ni single...angkat tangan sape nk kt die??? hehehehe. Oops, trlari topik plak. Ok ok. Sambung balik. Semenjak si Ali ni kenalkan kt Syira game ni, tiap-tiap ari Syira dok depan laptop ni. Dari pagi smpi petang..benti jap, pastu sambung balik malam..alahai! Macam xde life plak kn? Bkn xde life la..dok umh xtau nk buat ape..maklum la, tgh cuti semester an..lame plak tu cuti..dh jd budak x betul kt umh ni..huhuhu..smpi boyfriend sendiri tegor..xpe la, asalkan aku happy! hahaha..(evil laugh)..

Bagi Syira game ni menarik n agak challenging. Klo korg x caye, pg main..bile energy abis, aduhai..mule la cari member suh antar energy..mesti korg x paham ape yg Syira dok cite ni an? hehee...klo nak tau, pg la main..SYOK! Bak kate Dafi, BAIK PUNYEEE~ Bawah ni Syira akan tunjuk sedikit snapshot game CityVille ni..thank you pada sape2 yg sudi bace blog sy.

Syira Zainal

Monday, June 27, 2011

Review on Suhana Skirt by Modish Mode House

This is my first attempt to do a review on anything. So, I hope you guys like it. Here we go~

I just bought a new long skirt from MODISH MODE HOUSE. To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure about it at first. Scared that it might not fit me well or short for my height but I bought it anyway. The design for the skirt really caught my eyes. It has been design nicely. Don't believe me? See it for yourself!

CANTIK KAN???? Ok ok. And when I receive the skirt, the material...OMG! best gile! So soft and so comfortable. TERBAIK WA CAKAP LU! I like! I like! And the price, to me it's a reasonable price. This is because the skirt is costume made from JZTAILORMADE. So, ok la price die. Bukan cikai2 punye. And finally, bile material ok..harge pon ok...MESTI LA FIT PON OK! Modish Mode House provides the actual measurement for the skirt from waist to height. So? No need to worry!

Other than that, the owner is a very nice person and very open minded, to me. Thank you again for the service. Here's a photo of me wearing the skirt.

I know..I know..baju same dengan post sebelum ni..sorry la..xde gambar lain..hehehe!

As a conclusion, SUHANA SKIRT FROM MODISH MODE HOUSE gets an A++ from me. <3 That's all for now. TATA.

Syira Zainal

Hello New Blogspot!

With a new blog, comes a new me. As we go older, we try to be more wiser. I'm 21 this year and I still can't believe I'm that old already. Time passes us by like the wind blowing trough my ears. You can hear it but you can't see it. Kn kn kn? Hehehe...

Enough with the introduction. I'm still the same me but a bit older. That's all. For my 1st post for this new blog, I want to show you how I look. Yes, I'm proud to say I look different! WEEEE! Ayuh! Ayuh! Lihat! Lihat! <3

TAADAA!!!! Lain kn? Lain kn? Aha! You can actually see this picture at my FB page but some may not be able too because I really don't like adding or approving strangers. Buat semak FB je. Dulu dok pandai sangat pi approve semua orang..sekarang, RASAKAN SEKSANYA!!!! Padan muka an? But it's okay. I'll take care of it later.

Oh oh oh! TODAY IS MY BOYFRIENDS BDAY!!! So, here's a little something for him! I already blog about this in my TUMBLR & FB but what the hell! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!

With this picture, I'll conclude today's post! Until I blog again, TATA FOR NOW!

Syira Zainal