Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Home, Result and Love

Finally, I'm back in my town. It's been awhile. Can't believe I've finally finish my studies. But now, what to do? Work, of course! Since I got back from Perlis, I haven't stop searching for the right job for me. I want it to be a long term thing but I guess it's not my time yet.

Got my final result a few days ago. I'm thankful but I wish I could do better, you know? Anyway, I dearly miss my friends back in college. We didn't get to spend much time together. I'll cherish you all in my heart. If we have time, I hope we can all meet back before and after graduation. :}

By the end of this year, my dream for next year might not come true. People say it's not my time yet. If only they knew what I'm going through. Life is short and I can't wait that long. I want my dreams to come true before I leave this world, you know? Or at least get to feel the excitement.

Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku,
Yang maha pengasih, lagi maha penyayang. Panjangkanlah umur ku dan bukakanlah pintu hati ku untuk menerima segala ajaran mu. Bantulah hamba mu ini untuk bertaubat kepada mu, Ya Allah. Ampunilah segala dosa-dosa besar dan kecil yang telah hamba mu ini lakukan. Engkau berikanlah pertunjuk kepada ku, Ya Allah. Ampunilah segala dosa ibu bapa ku, adik-beradik ku dan seluruh keluargaku. Rahmatilah kami dengan keampunan mu, Ya Allah.

XOXO, Syira Zainal

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