Saturday, July 2, 2011

MTV World Stage

If you read my status on FB, you would know that I've just won myself a pair of tickets to see MTV World Stage! I'm serious! I just did. I feel lucky tonight. <3

Wondering how I got the tickets? It's faith actually. To tell you the truth, I didn't know that MTV World Stage is going to happening on the 24th July until I saw a picture from Eykin (my little sister's friend). She got a pair of tickets as well. I was so curious about it so, I google it. Then, I found the web and I click the web. I browse and I browse and finally, I found a countdown on the bottom of the page saying "WIN PASSES!". I click it. Then, they say wait for the countdown. So, I waited. When the time was up, I click on the boxes that appeared on the screen and a pop up came up. The title was INSTANT WIN. At that moment, I wanted to scream my heart out. I was in shock actually. I really didn't expected to win. Seriously. I'm so lucky at that moment. Who'd knew? I'm happy girl tonight.

I never expected to win. I really didn't! Cause it wasn't just me trying to get the tickets. It was like thousands of people. Might even be millions. So, I'm really thankful. Even if I don't get to go (if i have college work), I'm giving it to my lover boy. It's going to be your birthday present. I hope he likes it. <3 Tata~

Syira Zainal

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