Monday, June 27, 2011

Hello New Blogspot!

With a new blog, comes a new me. As we go older, we try to be more wiser. I'm 21 this year and I still can't believe I'm that old already. Time passes us by like the wind blowing trough my ears. You can hear it but you can't see it. Kn kn kn? Hehehe...

Enough with the introduction. I'm still the same me but a bit older. That's all. For my 1st post for this new blog, I want to show you how I look. Yes, I'm proud to say I look different! WEEEE! Ayuh! Ayuh! Lihat! Lihat! <3

TAADAA!!!! Lain kn? Lain kn? Aha! You can actually see this picture at my FB page but some may not be able too because I really don't like adding or approving strangers. Buat semak FB je. Dulu dok pandai sangat pi approve semua orang..sekarang, RASAKAN SEKSANYA!!!! Padan muka an? But it's okay. I'll take care of it later.

Oh oh oh! TODAY IS MY BOYFRIENDS BDAY!!! So, here's a little something for him! I already blog about this in my TUMBLR & FB but what the hell! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!

With this picture, I'll conclude today's post! Until I blog again, TATA FOR NOW!

Syira Zainal

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